Po Box 932 Gisborne Vic 3437
Ric and Lee Howells

2017 Lee Howells
Lee was an original member of our Club committee and was the President for 16 years.
During this period, Lee was also the Event Director for the Club’s annual EA Dressage Championships. This event was always a popular one on the dressage calendar and hosted in a friendly, experienced manner.
As a result, Lee was instrumental in cementing the club’s reputation for the strong club it remains today and through her leadership, contributed to the development of interest in dressage in our area and more broadly.
2017 Ric Howells
Rick’s contribution to the club during 16 years has been outstanding.
Never a rider, Ric was the Club’s expert administrator and, as Club Treasurer, our financial manager. He set up professional and transparent systems that still guide us today.
Ric has supported our Club for many years and was also the key scorer at our events.
Liz Dillon
(pictured with daughter Natasha)

2018 Liz Dillon
Liz contributed to the club administration for in excess of 15 years, volunteering at our events and representing the club along with her daughter Tash.
After her competition riding came to an end Liz increased her support role from minute taker at Committee meetings, to the executive position of Club Secretary during a time of great change. During her three years in this role Liz oversaw changes to our membership application process and streamlined it for members’ benefit.
She took a lead role in the club’s transition to online membership, working with our provider to make this a seamless process for all.
Joan O'Reilly

2022 Joan O'Reilly
Joan has been a member of the club for 26 years. In that time, she has made an enormous and tireless contribution towards the positivity and inclusivity of the club. She has been an important leader in many ways.
Joan has taken on many roles. This will be her second term as President. She has also been Rally Coordinator, EV representative and EA Competition Coordinator simultaneously.
Joan is also a true ambassador for our club and for the sport. She is passionate, compassionate and supportive to all members. She has been essential in putting together our annual EA event, which she has done for many years, with her knowledge, dedication and superior administrative skills.
She has been instrumental in making the club what it is today.
The club sincerely appreciates all of her efforts and hard work over the years.